Service Type: Radio Broadcast

One Covenant Community (Part 2B)

Are you a part of the olive tree comprised of Jews and Gentiles, who throughout history, have trusted in the Lord for salvation?

One Covenant Community (Part 2A)

How does Paul's metaphor of the olive tree express the biblical truth of one covenant community throughout history, comprised of Jew and Gentile, all redeemed by faith in the Messiah?

One Covenant Community (Part 1B)

Do you recognize and embrace Jesus Christ, as your long-awaited Messiah, and your salvation?

One Covenant Community (Part 1A)

What do these remarkable verses reveal about God's overarching plan of salvation?

Christ’s Resurrection Vindicates the Gospel (Part 2)

Do you understand how the resurrection of Jesus Christ completely vindicates the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Christ’s Resurrection Vindicates the Gospel (Part 1)

Why is the Resurrection so important to the Christian faith and the ultimate vindication of the Christian Gospel?

Trusting God’s Wisdom and Plan (Part 2)

Have you fully yielded your trust to God, even in the most challenging circumstances you may face in life?

Trusting God’s Wisdom and Plan (Part 1)

Are you grateful for what the Lord has given you in the Lord's Supper, and in His sacrificial atoning death on your behalf?

The Sovereign Grace of God (Part 2)

Does your hope of salvation rest exclusively in God's sovereign grace to you in Jesus Christ?

The Sovereign Grace of God (Part 1)

Have you recognized the deadly error of salvation by self-reliance, and embraced the Gospel of salvation by the sovereign grace of God?

Salvation of a Remnant (Part 2)

Are you a part of the Lord's remnant, remaining faithful to Him, and being preserved by His power and grace?

Salvation of a Remnant (Part 1)

How does Paul deal with this puzzling question, "I say then, God has not rejected His people, has He?"

The Offense of The Gospel (Part 2)

Have you received Christ's offer of grace and forgiveness?

The Offense of The Gospel (Part 1)

Has the Spirit of God, working in your heart through the Word of God, brought you to a living faith in Jesus Christ?

The Greatness of The Gospel Message

Have you recognized the greatness of the Gospel message, called upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and trusted in Him alone for your salvation?

No Guilt or Shame In Christ

Do you stand before God clothed in the perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ and fully accepted in Him?

True Saving Faith

What do these important verses teach us about true saving faith?

Reasonable Resolutions (Part 2)

Do you follow Jesus as your victorious priestly King?

Our Victorious Priestly King (Part 1)

Do you trust that Christ is coming again to make His enemies His footstool, banish all sin, evil, and suffering from His realm, and establish His everlasting Kingdom of peace…

Our Sure Hope In Our Messiah

In the face of hardship, adversity, and suffering, can you also affirm that you have a Redeemer who lives, and who will never forsake you?

Christ’s Supernatural Birth (Part 2)

Do you embrace the essential truth of the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ?

Christ’s Supernatural Birth (Part 1)

Is the Virgin Birth really an essential truth of the Christian faith?

The Divine-Human Messiah (Part 2)

Do you acknowledge Him as the fully-human, fully-divine Savior of helplessly lost mankind?

The Divine-Human Messiah (Part 1)

What is the significance of this old testament prophecy?

The Essence of the Gospel (Part 2)

Have you grasped the essence of the Gospel, and come to the Lord Jesus Christ in repentance and simple faith?

The Essence of the Gospel (Part 1)

Do you understand that the essence of the Gospel is that there is a righteousness from God, a perfect righteousness that is His free gift of grace, that is received…

Prayer and Evangelism

Do you long for the salvation of those who do not know Jesus Christ -- and is this longing reflected in your commitment to prayer and evangelism?

Effectually Called To Salvation (Part 2)

What does Holy Scripture teach us about the effectual call of God in salvation?

Effectually Called To Salvation (Part 1)

Has the Lord opened your heart by His irresistible grace and effectual call or is your heart still closed to things of God?

God’s Sovereign Grace (Part 4)

What do these biblical doctrines reveal to us about the nature and character of God, and the wonder of His salvation?