Do you recognize the power of the Gospel at work, as multitudes of people throughout the world, from all cultures, nations, and walks of life, respond in faith to its…
Preacher: Dr. Van Lees
God’s Effectual Call (Part 2)
What does God's Word teach us about God's effectual call to salvation in Jesus Christ?
God’s Effectual Call (Part 1)
Have you responded with repentance and faith to God's effectual Call?
The Promise of The Gospel (Part 2)
Have you embraced the glorious promise of the Gospel?
The Promise of The Gospel (Part 1)
Do you embrace the promise of the Gospel, as set forth throughout all 66 books in the Bible?
Set Apart For the Gospel (Part 2)
Are you living as one who has been set apart unto God by the Gospel, and set apart for the Gospel as well?
Set Apart For The Gospel (Part 1)
Beginning an in-depth study of the book of Romans.
Building on the Rock (Part 2)
Have you built your life on the solid rock of the Lord and His Word?
Building On The Rock (Part 1)
Are you staking your life fully and completely upon the Lord Jesus Christ and His Words of Life that have been given to you in the pages of Holy Scripture?
There Has Been Born For You a Savior (Part 2)
This Christmas season, do you appreciate the vital importance of both the manger and the cross?
There Has Been Born For You a Savior (Part 1)
Does Christmas fill you with joy and gratitude for your salvation?
A Shoot Will Spring From the Stem of Jesse (Part 2)
Do you look forward to that day when the whole world will know of the Incarnation of the Son of God?
A Shoot Will Spring From the Stem of Jesse (Part 1)
Do you rejoice in the knowledge of Jesus Christ during this Advent Season?
A Warning Against False Profession (Part 2)
What differentiates one who truly knows the Lord Jesus Christ, from one who merely claims to know Him?
A Warning Against False Profession (Part 1)
Are you a false professor or a genuine possessor?
Beware of the False Prophets (Part 2)
How can we learn to identify the vile fruit of these ferocious spiritual wolves?
Beware of the False Prophets (Part 1)
How can we identify and guard ourselves against the savage wolves who would prey upon the flock of God?
Two Gates and Two Ways
Have you taken the wide gate and broad path to destruction -- or the small gate and narrow way to eternal life?
Ask, Seek, and Knock (Part 2)
How can we understand and follow the principles for successful supplication set forth in God's word?
Ask, Seek, and Knock (Part 1)
How can we learn to exercise wise, righteous, biblical discernment?
Self-Righteous Hypocrisy and Righteous Judgment (Part 2)
How can we learn to identify and deal honestly with the sin and hypocrisy that lurks in our hearts?
Self-Righteous Hypocrisy and Righteous Judgment (Part 1)
How can we guard against hypocrisy and harsh judgmentalism in our relationships with others?
Seek First His Kingdom (Part 2)
Are you seeking the Kingdom of God first and foremost in your life?
Seek First His Kingdom (Part 1)
Do you wholeheartedly seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness?
Trusting God (Part 2)
How can we learn to replace worry and anxiety with confident faith and trust in God?
Trusting God (Part 1)
Do you comprehend how deeply God cares about you and are you able to trust Him more every day?
Treasure In Heaven (Part 2)
No one can serve two masters. Which master do you serve?
Treasure In Heaven (Part 1)
Do you spend more time amassing earthly treasure, or investing wisely in the Kingdom of God?
Thine Is The Kingdom (Part 2)
The model that Jesus gave us in the Lord's Prayer reminds us that we can receive no greater blessing than to experience deep communion with our heavenly Father in our…
Thine Is The Kingdom (Part 1)
What can we learn from a closer look at the doxology of the Lord's Prayer?