Preacher: Dr. Van Lees

The Work of the Trinity in Our Salvation (Part 1)

What insights can we gain about the work of the Trinity in our salvation, as we begin our study in the book of Ephesians?

Marks of a Healthy Ministry (Part 2)

Do you have any of the vital marks of a healthy ministry?

Marks of a Healthy Ministry (Part 1)

As we examine the Apostle Paul's description to the Romans of his own ministry -- what can we identify as the genuine marks of a healthy, effective ministry that genuinely…

Jesus: The Radiance of God’s Glory

Have you heard and accepted God's Final Word about Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word?

The Lord, Our Righteousness

How do we see this prophecy fulfilled in the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ?

The Magnificat: Mary’s Song of Praise

What can we learn today from the Magnificat, Mary's remarkable song of praise?

Characteristics of a Healthy Church

How can churches and individual Christians today, cultivate these characteristics of spiritual health and maturity?

The God of Hope

Do you embrace the God of the Bible as the source and the object of your hope?

The Importance of Justification By Faith Alone

Do you recognize the vital importance of justification by faith alone?

The Confirmation of God’s Promises (Part 2)

Have you found salvation in Jesus Christ, Israel's Messiah and the Savior of the world?

The Confirmation of God’s Promises (Part 1)

How did God address the long-standing racial and ethnic tension that existed between the Jews and Gentiles, as the New Testament church began?

Extending Grace to Each Other (Part 2)

Extending Grace to Each Other (Part 1)

How can we learn to bear patiently with one another in the body of Christ, and encourage each other on to spiritual maturity?

The Perpetual Obligation to Love

How can we cultivate and demonstrate authentic Christian love in our lives?

Christian Principles of Government (Part 2B)

What does God's Word have to say about this important subject?

Christian Principles of Government (Part 2A)

What does God's Word teach us regarding a biblical perspective about war?

Christian Principles of Government (Part 1B)

Why did God establish the government?

Christian Principles of Government (Part 1A)

What are the Biblical principles that must guide the Christian's view of and response to governing authorities?

The Christian Response to a Hostile World

Are you seeking to overcome evil with good and trust the Lord completely for our ultimate vindication?

Christian Love and Character

How can we transform our relationships with the power of Christian love and character?

Living In Accordance With Our Calling

How can we live in accordance with our calling, manifesting authentic spiritual oneness and unity, and genuine Christian love and fellowship?

Characteristics of Christian Love

Do you manifest the characteristics of Christian love in your life?

Using Your Spiritual Gifts (Part 2)

How can we identify and understand the spiritual gifts that God has given the body of Christ, and learn how to exercise them for mutual benefit, edification, and spiritual growth?

Using Your Spiritual Gifts (Part 1)

Are you exercising your particular spiritual gifts for the glory of God?

The Christian’s Relationship to the Church

Are you helping the Body of Christ function properly, by fulfilling your unique and vital role in His Church?

The Renewal of Our Minds

Is your mind conformed to the pattern of this unbelieving world, or are you being transformed by the renewing of your mind to walk with the Lord in holiness and…

The Spirit of This Age

Are you conforming to the spirit of this age -- or standing firm for the Lord?

Offering Ourselves To God (Part 2)

How can we learn to lay aside our sinful, self-centered desires, and yield ourselves to the Lord in a life that is pleasing and acceptable to Him?

Offering Ourselves To God (Part 1)

How do the closing chapters of Romans, beginning with chapter 12, teach us how to apply the practical and biblical sound doctrine that was laid for us in the previous…

God’s Sovereignty Over All Things (Part 2)

Do you embrace the biblical teaching about God's sovereignty over all things?