How can a deeper understanding of Abraham's life and faith help us in our walk with Jesus Christ?
Are you trying to come to God by a way that is impossible -- or have you come to Jesus in genuine faith?
What does the Bible say about how we get to heaven?
How can we learn to confidently cast ourselves upon the promises of God's Word, with full assurance of faith?
Does your faith rest with confident assurance upon the Lord Jesus Christ?
Do you take the Bible's sober warnings to heart, and diligently seek to make your calling and election sure?
What warnings does God's word give us about the dangers of apostasy and unbelief?
Do you view the communal aspect of corporate, covenantal worship within your local church as a vital component of your relationship with the Lord?
Do you see the church of Jesus Christ as His divinely appointed agency to manifest His glory in our world?
What does the word of God teach us about the importance of the church?
Are you seeking to stir up your fellow believers to love and good works, for the glory of God?
Does the redemptive work of Jesus give you the confidence to draw near to God and devote yourself to loving, faithful service to Him?
Have you received complete forgiveness and remission of your sins through the sacrificial offering of Jesus Christ?
What are two essential spiritual needs -- and how are they fully satisfied by the sacrificial atoning death of Jesus Christ?
Have you embraced Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and experienced the saving and sanctifying power of His precious blood?
Have you come to the cross of Jesus to receive forgiveness and cleansing from all your sin?
Have you received cleansing from sin and eternal salvation through the blood of the New Covenant?
What can the Old Testament Tabernacle and sacrifices teach us about God's heavenly sanctuary and the saving work of Jesus Christ?
Has God written His laws upon your heart, and called you to Himself as one of His people?
Audio Archives
We are currently in the process of updating all of our audio files for the internet. You can still hear all of our lessons from the radio broadcast by clicking on the audio archives link.