God’s Amazing Grace

Do you walk in the spiritual footsteps of Cain or the Lord?
How can we identify the rotten fruits of false prophets and teachers in our day?
Are you heeding Jude's warning regarding the enemies of the gospel?
Do you live with genuine reverence for the holiness of God?
How can we protect ourselves from the deadly spiritual deceptions of false teachers?
Have you acknowledged Jesus Christ as your Lord and King, and found everlasting refuge in Him?
Are you an object of God's scornful laughter, or His eternal delight?
Do you know how you can enter into God's eternal covenant of redemption?
Are you familiar with the messianic prophecies of Jeremiah?
Have you found salvation and security in the eternal King of glory?
What is the significance of the Davidic lineage of the Lord Jesus Christ?
Are you aware of the dangers of false teaching and spiritual deception as you contend earnestly for the faith?
How can we learn to avoid spiritual deception and remain steadfast in the truth?
Do you fully grasp God's unchanging love for you - or do you say with uncertainty, "He loves me, He loves me not"?
Have you skipped over the book of Jude? Come and explore the significance of this letter with profound doctrinal truths.
Are you seeking to be fully equipped to follow the will of God and please Him with your life?
How can sinful humans hope to be reconciled with an infinitely Holy God?
Do you recognize the importance of Godly leadership in the church of Jesus Christ?
Do you recognize the tremendous value of godly spiritual leaders in the church?
Does God's abundant love inflame your heart with the desire to live boldly for Him, and manifest His love and compassion to those around you?
Are you demonstrating your love for God, in the way you manifest love for others?
Are you a citizen of the eternal, unshakable Kingdom of God?
God sets free from eternal condemnation those who trust in Him - how should we then live in light of the certain coming judgment?
Have you come to Mount Zion, entered the New Covenant through faith in Jesus Christ, and joined the joyful assembly of the saints of God?
What does the contrast between Mount Sinai and Mount Zion teach us about the contrast between the old and new covenants?
Are you pursuing peace with fellow believers, and a life of sanctification and spiritual growth?
How do you view the discipline of the Lord?
Are you running the race that is set before you, by fixing your eyes upon the Lord Jesus Christ?
Are you committed to running the race with endurance and laying aside all that would hinder you?
Are you committed to faithfully following the Lord for the sake of His Kingdom?


Audio Archives
We are currently in the process of updating all of our audio files for the internet. You can still hear all of our lessons from the radio broadcast by clicking on the audio archives link.