Do you rejoice in the demonstration of God's everlasting love for you in Jesus Christ?
Have you accepted God's loving terms of reconciliation, and experienced everlasting peace with Him?
When the pain and afflictions of life press hard upon you, what comes out -- bitterness and resentment, or spiritual maturity and godly character?
What can we learn from God's Word about His purposes in the midst of our affliction and hardship?
Have you embraced the wondrous truth of the Gospel and received the benefits of God's great salvation?
How does Abraham's example illustrate the biblical reality of salvation by God's sovereign, abundant grace?
How can you become a child of the living God, and walk in the footsteps of the faith of Abraham, the spiritual father of the faithful?
Do you know that your only boast should be in the Lord, and the abundant grace, mercy, and love that He has granted to undeserving sinners in the Gospel of…
Why is Abraham's example so important for us to truly understand the doctrine of salvation fully revealed in the New Testament?
What exactly is the doctrine of justification, and why is it so important for every Christian?
What does the Word of God teach us about this critical issue with eternal ramifications?
What does the Bible teach us about the depth of man's sin and our helpless condition apart from Christ?
In order for us to profit from adversity in our lives, it is important for us to realize that God often uses trials as a method of instruction. Trials are…
Has your life and eternal destiny been forever impacted by the living and active Word of God?
Do you acknowledge and appreciate the tremendous spiritual blessing and benefit of God's living and active Word?
How does the Apostle Paul establish, for Jew and Gentile alike, the necessity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for salvation?
What are the blessings of God's law and what are the dangers of relying upon it for salvation?
Are you following in the way of the righteous, or traveling along the broad path to death and misery?
In your journey through this life, are you traveling on the path of the righteous or the path of the wicked?
If we are all guilty before God, what hope do we have to escape certain judgment?
How can we avoid falling into the dreadful condition of God giving up on us?
How can we escape this downward spiral into degradation and depravity, and find the path of life?
Do you continually return to the Lord in repentance and faith, and seek to live as His faithful servant?
Do you continually return to the Lord in repentance and faith, when you stumble and fall in the Christian life?
Through His Word and the working of the Holy Spirit, Jesus continues to reveal Himself to His people today, as our risen Savior, Redeemer, and eternal King.
Audio Archives
We are currently in the process of updating all of our audio files for the internet. You can still hear all of our lessons from the radio broadcast by clicking on the audio archives link.