What does God's Word teach us about God's sovereign work of regeneration, by the agency of the Holy Spirit?
Are you one who walks after the flesh to fulfill its sinful desires, or do you walk after the Spirit of God and invest your life towards pleasing the Lord?
Do you have a mind and disposition that is set on the things of the flesh -- or the things of the Spirit?
Have you seriously considered the hard evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ?
If you trust in Jesus Christ, do you also rejoice in knowing that there is no condemnation for you?
Do you trust in the glorious promise that there is no condemnation for those who trust in the Lord Jesus Christ?
How can we learn to honestly and effectively deal with our ongoing battle with sin?
What are some of the harmful ramifications of the teachings of Christian perfectionism -- and what does God's Word tell us about our ongoing battle with sin?
What insights does Romans chapter 7 give us about the Christian's fight against sin?
What is the correct understanding of this widely-discussed passage of God's Word, and what are its ramifications for the Christian life?
What value should the Law of God have in the life of the believer?
If nobody is perfect, how can we possibly fulfill the perfectly righteous requirements of a perfectly holy God?
Are you willing to live as a slave to righteousness and God; and invest your life toward building His Kingdom throughout the world?
Are you pursuing a life of genuine holiness, and presenting yourself to God as an instrument of righteousness?
Do you recognize the power of the Gospel to set you free from the dominion of sin, so that you may walk with Jesus Christ in holiness and newness of…
What does God's Word teach us about our union with Christ?
Have you been united by faith to the Lord Jesus Christ, to experience His abundant love for all eternity?
Do you respond to God's grace with sinful license, or with loving obedience?
Are you troubled by the Christmas message -- or do you embrace it with joy?
As we celebrate the Incarnation of the Son of God, let us be mindful of the main purpose of the coming of the Messiah into the world-- to be a…
Do you embrace this sacred infant as the Incarnate Son of God, and your Lord and Savior?
Are you trying to take Christ out of Christmas -- or do you joyfully embrace the birth of Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Son of God?
What remarkable insights can we glean from Isaiah's ancient prophecy of the Promised Messiah?
Do you have an attitude of gratitude to God, for the redemptive and reconciling work of Jesus Christ?
As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving Day this week, are you truly grateful for the Lord's abundant goodness and blessings to you?
Are you living as a committed follower of your Lord and Master?
Do you respond to God's grace with sinful license, or with loving obedience?
Paradise was indeed lost in the Garden of Eden, but it is fully restored for all who are redeemed by the blood of God's own Son -- the second Adam,…
Have you accepted the blame for your sin, and found forgiveness in Jesus Christ?
Audio Archives
We are currently in the process of updating all of our audio files for the internet. You can still hear all of our lessons from the radio broadcast by clicking on the audio archives link.