God’s Amazing Grace

Do you acknowledge Him as the fully-human, fully-divine Savior of helplessly lost mankind?
What is the significance of this old testament prophecy?
Have you grasped the essence of the Gospel, and come to the Lord Jesus Christ in repentance and simple faith?
Do you understand that the essence of the Gospel is that there is a righteousness from God, a perfect righteousness that is His free gift of grace, that is received…
Do you long for the salvation of those who do not know Jesus Christ -- and is this longing reflected in your commitment to prayer and evangelism?
What does Holy Scripture teach us about the effectual call of God in salvation?
Has the Lord opened your heart by His irresistible grace and effectual call or is your heart still closed to things of God?
What do these biblical doctrines reveal to us about the nature and character of God, and the wonder of His salvation?
What does the Bible have to say about this complex and controversial subject of God's sovereignty?
What do the Scriptures teach about the sovereignty of God, and His eternal plan to save sinners according to His sovereign grace?
Has the Lord transformed you by His sovereign work of salvation?
What does the Bible teach about the full humanity and full deity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?
Who do you say that Jesus is -- liar, lunatic, or Lord?
Do you believe that God is able to keep our world from spinning out of control?
What motivates you to reach Jew and Gentile alike with the glorious Good News of salvation?
How can we keep from allowing our mistreatment and difficult circumstances from quenching our passion to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Can anything separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ?
How can you be assured that you are forever free from divine condemnation, and that nothing will ever separate you from God's covenantal love?
Do you rejoice in the wondrous truth of the biblical doctrine of the Perseverance of the Saints -- that God will never lose you or let you go, if you…
Do you understand that you are forever secure in God's sovereign, redeeming grace?
Do you trust in the fact that your salvation and ultimate glorification is an eternal, unshakable fact, sealed by the blood of Jesus Christ?
Do you joyfully embrace these doctrines of great comfort set forth in the book of Romans?
Do you trust that God causes all the events of your life to work together for your ultimate good, according to His sovereign Providence?
Do you depend upon the Holy Spirit to comfort you and help you find your way as you continue your pilgrimage toward your eternal home with the Lord?
Do you find rest in the certain hope of future glory, the redemption of our bodies, and the blessings of everlasting life with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?
How should we face suffering in our lives?
Do you trust that God is working to transform your life into something beautiful in His eyes?
Do you embrace the glorious biblical truth of your adoption into God's family?
Do you experience the inexpressible joy and comfort of knowing God as your Heavenly Father?
Are you spiritually dead to God in your trespasses and sins -- or alive to God through faith in Jesus Christ?
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