God’s Amazing Grace

How can we learn to lay aside our sinful, self-centered desires, and yield ourselves to the Lord in a life that is pleasing and acceptable to Him?
How do the closing chapters of Romans, beginning with chapter 12, teach us how to apply the practical and biblical sound doctrine that was laid for us in the previous…
Do you embrace the biblical teaching about God's sovereignty over all things?
How does the Bible address the difficult dilemma involved with God's sovereignty?
Have you embraced the Gospel as the power of God for your salvation?
What does the Apostle Paul have to say about God's eternal decree in the salvation of Jews and Gentiles?
What are the three interpretations that have been proposed to explain the "salvation of Israel" -- and which of these is most consistent with the full scope of biblical teaching?
Do recognize that God controls history and the affairs of men, in such a way that His eternal purposes are accomplished?
Are you a part of the olive tree comprised of Jews and Gentiles, who throughout history, have trusted in the Lord for salvation?
How does Paul's metaphor of the olive tree express the biblical truth of one covenant community throughout history, comprised of Jew and Gentile, all redeemed by faith in the Messiah?
Do you recognize and embrace Jesus Christ, as your long-awaited Messiah, and your salvation?
What do these remarkable verses reveal about God's overarching plan of salvation?
Do you understand how the resurrection of Jesus Christ completely vindicates the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Why is the Resurrection so important to the Christian faith and the ultimate vindication of the Christian Gospel?
Have you fully yielded your trust to God, even in the most challenging circumstances you may face in life?
Are you grateful for what the Lord has given you in the Lord's Supper, and in His sacrificial atoning death on your behalf?
Does your hope of salvation rest exclusively in God's sovereign grace to you in Jesus Christ?
Have you recognized the deadly error of salvation by self-reliance, and embraced the Gospel of salvation by the sovereign grace of God?
Are you a part of the Lord's remnant, remaining faithful to Him, and being preserved by His power and grace?
How does Paul deal with this puzzling question, "I say then, God has not rejected His people, has He?"
Have you received Christ's offer of grace and forgiveness?
Has the Spirit of God, working in your heart through the Word of God, brought you to a living faith in Jesus Christ?
Have you recognized the greatness of the Gospel message, called upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and trusted in Him alone for your salvation?
Do you stand before God clothed in the perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ and fully accepted in Him?
What do these important verses teach us about true saving faith?
Do you follow Jesus as your victorious priestly King?
Do you trust that Christ is coming again to make His enemies His footstool, banish all sin, evil, and suffering from His realm, and establish His everlasting Kingdom of peace…
In the face of hardship, adversity, and suffering, can you also affirm that you have a Redeemer who lives, and who will never forsake you?
Do you embrace the essential truth of the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ?
Is the Virgin Birth really an essential truth of the Christian faith?
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