How can we learn to imitate the Lord as we seek to walk as children of light?
Are you seeking to live every day in a manner consistent with your new life in Jesus Christ?
How can we learn to put off the old self with its earthly passions and sinful desires, and put on the new self, which is being renewed in the knowledge…
What is the terrible truth of mankind's condition in sin that is set forth in Ephesians chapter 4?
Are you doing your part to keep the body of Christ strong and healthy?
Do you recognize Jesus as the victorious Messiah who conquered sin, Satan, and the grave?
How can we truly appreciate our spiritual unity in the Gospel of grace?
How does the truth of the Tri-Unity of God serve as the basis for the spiritual unity of the One Body of Christ throughout the world?
How can God's people balance sound biblical doctrine with sound biblical practice, as we live out our relationships in the church, in our families, and in the world?
What role does the Resurrection play in the comprehensive, complete work of salvation that Christ accomplished on our behalf?
The Resurrection proves that Jesus Christ' work of salvation on our behalf is perfect, complete, and fully accepted by God.
What does God's Word teach us about Jesus' authority over demonic powers and entities?
Do you see the church of Jesus Christ as His divinely appointed agency to manifest His glory in our world?
What does God's Word teach us about the church 's foundation upon apostolic and prophetic authority?
What exactly is an apostle and what are the marks of authentic apostolic authority?
Throughout history and across the globe, God continues to call both Hews and Gentiles to salvation in Jesus Christ, and He is forming us all into one new covenant community…
How has your life been impacted by the glorious biblical truth of salvation by God's grace alone?
Have you experienced this spiritual "life after death" transformation?
Do you recognize the wondrous biblical fact that the Resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ is at work today in our salvation, and in the lives of His people,…
Do you ask the Lord to open the eyes of your heart, and the hearts of all God's people, in order to more fully appreciate the riches of His grace?
Do you rejoice in the great blessing of your salvation, according to the sovereign work of the Triune God?
What insights can we gain about the work of the Trinity in our salvation, as we begin our study in the book of Ephesians?
As we examine the Apostle Paul's description to the Romans of his own ministry -- what can we identify as the genuine marks of a healthy, effective ministry that genuinely…
Have you heard and accepted God's Final Word about Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word?
How do we see this prophecy fulfilled in the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ?
What can we learn today from the Magnificat, Mary's remarkable song of praise?
How can churches and individual Christians today, cultivate these characteristics of spiritual health and maturity?
Audio Archives
We are currently in the process of updating all of our audio files for the internet. You can still hear all of our lessons from the radio broadcast by clicking on the audio archives link.