What does the Bible teach about the oneness of God's people throughout history?
How do you respond to Jesus Christ -- with hostility, apathy, or praise and adoration?
Do you acknowledge that God never lost His sovereign control over the circumstances surrounding the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ?
Do you acknowledge this Child as God in human flesh, and follow Him as your Lord and Savior?
Join us as we examine three significant aspects of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ -- His humanity, His deity, and His Messianic exaltation and rule.
Continuing our look into the Gospel revelation given to the Apostle Paul.
What was the source of the great turnaround in the life of Saul of Tarsus?
Have you had a glimpse of the love of God for His people -- a love that never fails?
What does it mean when we say that God is holy, and how does this affect the way we worship, pray, and live out our daily lives?
What does it mean when we say that God is holy, and how does this affect the way we worship, pray, and live out our daily lives?
Do you trust in a God whose purposes are good, and whose awesome power enables Him to accomplish His purpose?
How can we know about God, learn the truth about ourselves, and understand what He has done on our behalf?
Audio Archives
We are currently in the process of updating all of our audio files for the internet. You can still hear all of our lessons from the radio broadcast by clicking on the audio archives link.