Audio Sermons

How can we escape this downward spiral into degradation and depravity, and find the path of life?
Do you continually return to the Lord in repentance and faith, and seek to live as His faithful servant?
Do you continually return to the Lord in repentance and faith, when you stumble and fall in the Christian life?
Through His Word and the working of the Holy Spirit, Jesus continues to reveal Himself to His people today, as our risen Savior, Redeemer, and eternal King.
What insights can we draw from Holy Scripture about the self-revelation of Jesus Christ?
Do you comprehend the biblical reality of the wrath of God?
Do you accept the abundant evidence for the existence of God -- or do you say in your heart, "There is no God?"
The glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ wields the dynamic power of God to bring salvation to helpless, spiritually dead sinners, and also imparts to us the spiritual power to pursue…